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WESCO Stereo Microscopes


WESCO Stereo VU 3000 Series Stereo Microscopes


StereoVU3000.jpg (20522 bytes) The Stereo VU 3000 Series stereo microscopes are designed to meet the specifications and budgets of schools as well as the demands of industry with features and accessories that serve both markets.

There are currently twenty models in the Stereo VU 3000 Series.





3100 3200 3300 3400 3110 3210 3310 3410 3120 3130
Binocular .65-4.5X zoom stereo observation body bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - - - -
Trinocular .65-4.5X zoom stereo observation body - - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - -
Binocular fixed 1X & 2X stereo observation body - - - - - - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) -
Binocular fixed 1X & 3X stereo observation body - - - - - - - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)
10X widefield eyepieces, 23mm field of view bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)
Table pole stand with focus mount bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)
Universal boom stand with double focus arm - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - -
Table pole stand with incidental variable halogen and transmitted fluorescent illumination - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - -
Table pillar stand with incidental variable halogen and transmitted fluorescent illumination - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - -




3140 3220 3230 3240 3320 3330 3340 3420 3430 3440
Binocular fixed 1X & 2X stereo observation body - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - -
Binocular fixed 1X & 3X stereo observation body - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) -
Binocular fixed 2X & 4X stereo observation body bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)
10X widefield eyepiece, 23mm field of view bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)
Table pole stand with focus mount bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - - - - - - -
Universal boom stand with double focus arm - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - - - - -
Table pole stand with incidental variable halogen and transmitted fluorescent illumination - - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) - - -
Table pillar stand with incidental variable halogen and transmitted fluorescent illumination - - - - - - - bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes) bullet-red.gif (336 bytes)


For more information or to request a price quote, please contact us by phone at 408-871-7700, fax 408-871-7800, or email at labtekdiv@labtek.net.


Other WESCO Microscopes:

Educational Microscopes - Edu VU 1000 Series
Biological Microscopes - Bio VU 2000 Series
Laboratory Microscopes - Lab VU 4000 Series
Industrial Microscopes - Indu VU 5000 Series
Polarizing Microscopes - Pol VU 6000 Series
Inverted Biological Microscopes - Verta VU 7000 Series
Metallurgical Inverted Microscopes - Meta VU 8000 Series
Universal Microscopes - Uni VU 9000 Series
Clinical & Research Microscopes - CX RII & CX RIII


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Copyright © 1998, Terran Technology, Inc.; Labtek Division
Last modified: November 06, 2012